Thursday, 23 October 2008

"Rolling Stone" is a popular music magazine published vevery fortnight that is directed at anyone who is interested in the music industry, politics and popular culture.

The masthead is in bright red font outlined in white so it easliy attracts the attention of its audience. The masthead is partially covered up by a plug but this does not affect it as it is a very popular magazine it can be easily identified. The red could have a series of different meanings including ander, hate and danger. But on this particular magazine it looks as if it means anger as portrayed in the image.

Other than the masthead, the image is one of the frist things that attracts our attention to the magazine. The image shows two rappers, "50 Cent" and "Kanye West". Both these artists are well known and easily recognised by the audience. They are both looking directly at each other, making eye contact, but showing tension which shows that there is an immediate connection between them both which the audience will relate to as being hate or rivalry. Both artists are from ethnic backgrounds and they stand out from the pure white background. The photo is not a paparazzi shot but one set up to be this way. They both have distinguishing features, for example 50 cent is unshaven and he ius frowning which makes him look angry. Kanye West however has a cleaner complexion and more clean cut. There eyes however are partially squinted which reveals the tension that the producers whant the audience to see.

Underneath the image the headline "SHOWDOWN" is presented in bring red letters. This shows that it is an important feature and reveals the main article of the magazine. This attracts the reader as they want to find out what the showdown is about and who it is between. Directly below the headline there is a subheading, this is in black and grey font and the words get smaller as they move down a line. The sub heading states "50 Cent vs. Kanye West", "Who will be the king of hip-hop" this immedatly tells the reader that the showdown is between the two rappers and the purpose of it. This gives the reader the oppertunity to read the article in the magazine as they know the basic knowledge they need to attract their attention.

At the top of the magazine there are some extra feeatures that are included in the magazine. This is not a main focus of the front cover but gives the reader information into the rest of the magazines contents. There is also a plug that covers part of the masthead. The plug reveals a feature that is situated inside the magazine for the readers to view.